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Two Shows – One Shared Objective

Green Steel and Hydrotech World Expo 2024

Hydrogen is considered one of the key technologies for future energy supply. The technology for the production, processing, transport, and storage of this element is the focus of Hydrogen Tech World. The production of hydrogen will play an essential role in a climate-neutral economy in almost all available scenarios. Therefore, the use of electrolyzers is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years and decades. Technology exchange is crucial to support advancements in this industry and to ensure the maximum efficiency of newly built production facilities.

At Hydrotech World Expo 2024 in Essen, Germany, on June 26 and 27. experts from the industry will join together for a lively exchange to discuss the challenges and solutions in their respective field. The Green Steel Tech World will run concurrently.

Green Steel Tech World

At Green Steel World, experts learn how to reduce the use of coal in the steel industry. The goal is a significant reduction in global CO2 emissions. This event brings together green steel experts from the global market in one place and offers an excellent opportunity to meet both manufacturers and users involved in  decarbonizing the steel industry.

Tickets are still available for both events at


(Source: Messe Essen GmbH Press Release)


Green SteelHydrogenSustainabilityTransformation

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