
Join Trans 2022: 6th European Conference „Joining and Construction of Railway Vehicles“
https://www.slv-halle.de/tagungen/fachtagungen/join-transNachdem die JoinTrans-Konferenz im Jahr 2020 aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie in Europa und weltweit abgesagt werden musste, planen die Veranstalter nun, die Konferenz im Mai dieses Jahres abzuhalten. Diese internationale Konferenz wird, wie bereits geplant, im Institut Transportowy Dozór Techniczny (TDT) in Warschau stattfinden. Vom 11. bis 12. Mai 2022 treffen sich die internationalen Experten für Schweißen und Konstruktion von Schienenfahrzeugen in Warschau. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.
Das Programm im Überblick:
- Registration of the Participants
- Exhibition
- Opening of the Conference
Prof. Dr. Steffen Keitel, Chairman of the ECWRV „European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles“, Halle, Germany,
Jan Urbanowicz, Director of Transportowy Dozór Techniczny (TDT), Warsaw, Poland - The activities of ECWRV and online Register EN 15085
Prof. Dr. Steffen Keitel, Chairman of ECWRV „European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles“, Halle, Germany - Welding aspects of the development of the IC+ vehicle family
IWE/EWE Attila Erdei, István Stósz, László Kovács, MÁV-START ZRT., Budapest, Hungary - Exhibition
- Welding of rail vehicles. Qualification testing and certification of welding personnel in the context of the accreditation requirements
mgr inż. Adam Pieńczuk, Transportowy Dozór Techniczny (TDT), Warsaw, Poland - Test programs for welders‘ test pieces in the context of the production of rail vehicles and their parts
dr inż. Giedymin Orlik, Transportowy Dozór Techniczny (TDT), Warsaw, Polan - Distortion management in railway vehicle constructionS
Dr. Tobias Loose, Jens Rohbrecht, DynaWeld GmbH & Co. KG, Wössingen, Germany - Experience in the implementatiton of robotic welding stations in the production of rail vehicle parts
Ryszard Ochyra, Axtone- an ITT company, Kańczuga, Poland - Exhibition
- Walk through Łazienki Park
- Gala Dinner – Belvedere Restaurant, Warsaw, Poland
Donnerstag, 12.05.2022
- Gaining Benefits of Laser Beam Welding in Small and Medium Volume Rail Car Projects (Rocky Mountaineer/Skoda FCX)
Dipl.-Phys. Holger Alder, M.Sc. (IWE) Uriel Tradowsky, M.Sc. (IWE) Leo Pflugradt, Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Wolfgang Albinus, Photon AG, Berlin, Germany - Industrial application of Laser-GMA Hybrid and modified MAG tandem pulsed-arc welding - Investigation of specific control parameters to increase productivity and joining quality
Dr. Herbert Staufer, FRONIUS International GmbH, Wels-Thalheim, Austria - Implementation of a Welding 4.0 welding quality management system explained on real applications in manufacturing and education
Boyan Ivanov, EWM AG, Muendersbach, Germany - Exhibition
- EN 15085-2:2020 - one year experiences of manufacture certification
Dipl.-Ing. Patric Arlt, SLV Halle GmbH, Halle, Germany - Application and validation guide according to EN 15085 for the incorporation of welding processes in steel products with high mechanical performances
IWE Eider Alberdi Irastorza, Lortek Scoop, Ordizia, Spain - Increased work safety and productivity in aluminum rail road car construction due to trouble-free wire feeding out of wire drums
Michael Spieß, Safra Deutschland GmbH, München, Germany - Exhibition
- Laser based welding and additive manufacturing technologies for advanced metallic railway structures
Dr. Jens Standfuss, Dr. Axel Jahn, Dr. Dirk Dittrich, Prof. Dr. Frank Brückner, Dr. Elena Lopez, Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden, Germany - Welding Processes in Railway Vehicle Maintenance in accordance to the 4th Railway
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rösch, Institute for Railway Vehicle Maintenance, Leipzig, Germany - Repair of locomotive trolleys
IWE mgr inż. Robert Barszcz, MHBS Robert Barszcz Welding Services, Wrocław, Poland - Modern laser technologies for welding and additive manufacturing
Bolesław Klein, Trumpf Poland, Warsaw, Poland - Fatigue resistance of sheet metal sections generated by press-bolts joints by cold forming
Dr. Christian Denkert, David Kühne, Ralf Glienke, Melanie Fiedler, Maik Dörre, Wilko Flügge, Markus Kästner, Fraunhofer IGP, Rostock, Germany