20. – 22.07.2022

Verbund 2022: 23. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde

Leoben/online, Österreich/Internet


Verbund 2022: 23. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde


Die Entwicklung der Menschen ist eng verbunden mit der Nutzung von Werkstoffen. Schon früh wurden unterschiedliche Werkstoffe kombiniert und erste Werkstoffverbunde eingesetzt. Die Möglichkeit der Kombination verschiedener Werkstoffcharakteristika zur gezielten Einstellung gewünschter Eigenschaftsprofile ist ursächlich für das große Interesse, das den Verbundwerkstoffen entgegengebracht wird. Ein grundsolides materialwissenschaftliches Verständnis, die Fähigkeit der Modellierung und Berechnung der Eigenschaften und ein verarbeitungstechnisches Know-how zur Umsetzung definiert aufgebauter Materialstrukturen werden benötigt. Alles zusammen bildet die Basis für die Entwicklung von Verbundwerkstoffen mit denen sich sogar Problemstellungen bewältigen lassen, die mit den klassischen Basiswerkstoffen so nicht bedient werden können. Im Juli 2022 wird sich das 23. Symposium „Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde“ in der Universitätsstadt Leoben, Österreich, den vielfältigen Fragestellungen widmen, die aktuell mit wissenschaftlicher Tiefe und hohem Anwendungsbezug bearbeitet werden.

Vorläufiges Programm:



  • Hierarchical Composites with HIgh Carbon nanotube Loading
  • Novel Silicone Resin Binder and Compound for Thermally Highly Stressed Applications
  • 3D galvano-formed continuous carbon fibre reinforced MMC sheets using fiber preforms fabricated by tailored carbon placement
  • Diffusion and Degradation Mechanisms in Thermoset Composites
  • Microstructural and mechanical characterization of particle-reinforced AlSi10Mg aluminum alloys produced by means of high-energy ball milling and field-assisted sintering
  • Direct ultrasound dispersion of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers in low viscous resin
  • High-speed laser melt injection for reinforcing steel and copper tools


  • Experimental validation of the porous tube model for capillary rise
  • Implementing a multi-material window frame
  • Preconditioning of aluminium matrix composites for brake disc applications
  • Strategies for Brake Discs made of Aluminum Matrix Composites
  • Nano-crystalline AlZrN coatings grown by CVD
  • A gold-steel composite produced by forging
  • Evaluierung zur additiven Herstellbarkeit von Tonstrukturen
    Field-assisted foaming
  • The path to CO2-neutral production – setting up an energy-coordinated process network for multi-material composite components
  • Numerical development and experimental validation of the crash behaviour of a composite ultra-light aircraft
  • Residual strain and structural health monitoring for automated tape layup using HiBi FBG sensor
  • Optimized design for lightweight hydrogen pressure vessels
  • DuReNo - Untersuchungen zur optimierten, staubarmen Fertigung von Carbonfaservliesstoffen


  • Wood in Top Form – New Perspectives in Wood Construction
  • Influence of contaminants on the aluminum oxide - niobium phase boundary chemistry in refractory composite materials
  • Mechanical flexible composites from renewable resources
  • Design, Manufacturing and Testing of a Metal-Ceramic Hybrid Brake Disc
  • Evaluation of different natural core materials for bio-based sandwich structures
    Investigation on Self-Healing Mechanisms in Metal-Polymer Structures


  • NanoPul – A project to realize pultrusion with nanomodified resins
  • Investigation of the binder, preform and infusion properties of different multifunctional non-woven fabrics
  • Stress-dependent and spatially-resolved potential assessment of hybrid designs for a structural guide vane
  • Deep Drawing of Thermoplastic Fiber Metal Laminates
  • Impact of friction stir processing on microstructural and mechanical properties of an aluminum matrix composite
  • Influence of the wire strand surface on the joining process during ultrasonic metal welding of aluminum wires and copper terminals
  • Microthermoforming: A low cost process for automated small-scale production
  • Aging behavior of extruded thermoplastic polyurethane components on enamel surfaces under static load
  • Interface Modification in the Production of Multi-Material Structures in a Continuous Metal Die-Casting-Plastic Injection-Molding Hybrid Process
  • Ceramic-Ceramic Multi-material components by Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing (LCM)
  • Simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of polymer-ferroelectric ceramic-composites
  • Modellierung des Konsolidierprozesses für die Verarbeitung thermoplastischer UD-Tapes
  • Mechanical and thermokinetic characterization of innovative coating systems
  • Test specimen and accompanying test strategy for the comprehensive evaluation of moulding materials and composite structures produced with them
  • Characterisation of fibre alignment within discontinuous carbon fibre nonwovens using eddy current technology
  • Integration of sensor technology in thermoset sandwich composites for the detection of structural damage
  • Options to evaluate GFRP composite recycling from an environmental point of view
  • High Velocity, Elevated Temperature Burner Rig Testing With Stress of Ceramic Matrix Composites


  • Irradiation induced crosslinking in thermoplastic polyurethanes for structural applications
  • Advanced long-time stability of copper-coated CFRP using pulsed laser
  • Entwicklung einer modularen, forschungstauglichen RTM-Injektionsanlage für in-situ polymerisierende Thermoplaste
  • Steel foil reinforcement for high performance bearing strength in Thin‐Ply composites
  • Innovative, resource-saving production process for online impregnated textile preforms
  • Mechanical performance evaluation of carbon fiber composites equipped with an in-situ wireless sensor body
  • Efficient hot forming of prepreg stacks by means of liquid contact heating
  • 3D wire structures for graded property transition in injection molded metal / plastic hybrid compounds
  • Additive manufacturing process for multi-matrix fiber reinforced hinges and investigation of their fatigue behavior.
  • Investigation of bond strength and laminate quality of fibre-metal laminate made of laser-structured Aluminium sheet and CFRP reinforcement
  • Thermally sprayed corrosion resistant coatings for magnesium-based MMCs
  • Microstructural evolution of the bonding zone in TRIP/TWIP laminate produced by accumulative roll bonding



  • Plenarvortrag


  • Polyurethan-CNT-Kompositmaterialien für flexible Flächenheizungen in der mobilen Anwendung
  • The effect of milling time on the microstructural and mechanical properties of SiCp reinforced AA2017 composites powder produced by high-energy ball milling
  • Low-Cost Ceramic Matrix Composites for Applications at Aluminum melting Processes
  • Green Carbon / Carbon with CVI – possible or not?
  • Hybridverfahren aus Spritzguss und endlosfaserverstärkter additiver Fertigung
  • Application Oriented Thermal Shock Testing of Ceramic Matrix Composites
  • Improved tensile lap shear test coupon for overmoulded joint strength characterisation
  • Untersuchungen zum Feuchtegehalt und dessen Einfluss auf das Aushärteverhalten von Epoxidharzen in der Rotorblattfertigung
  • Leichtbau Spritzguss-Batteriegehäuse für die Elektromobilität: Wie ein vollständig rezyklierbares Batteriegehäuse Elektrofahrzeuge leichter und nachhaltiger macht
  • Innovative High-Performance Rocket Engines Based on Hybrid Composites-Metal Design
  • Online Process Monitoring in Hybrid Injection Overmoulding


  • Fully bio-based high-performance composite
  • Untersuchung von Einflussparametern auf das Verformungsverhalten von Crashrohrmodellen im Labor
  • Timber and mycelium-based composites for load-bearing building components
  • Digital Image Processing for Textile Characterization of Flax Yarn Utilized in Natural Fiber Reinforced Plastics
  • Manufacturing of cellulose-based composites with two-step extrusion
  • Enhancing the microstructural stability of oxide ceramic composites by matrix doping
  • Optical Coherence Tomography – A New Method For Evaluating The Quality Of Thermoplastic Glass-Fiber Reinforced Unidirectional (UD)-Tapes
  • Low-Cost Manufacturing of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites for Intermediate Temperatures
  • High frequency testing strategies for enhanced analysis of the fatigue and damage behavior of GFRP in VHCF regime
  • Reinforcing injection moulded LSI-based CMC with chopped fibres: Process analysis and material properties
  • Integrative material characterization of crystalline nanocellulose reinforced filaments for fused-filament fabrication
  • Development of C/C-SiC via Fiber Patch Placement
  • Analysis of the influence of impact damage on fatigue properties of carbon fiber-reinforced polyurethane by 3D digital image correlation
  • Development of composite implants based on metallic support elements and ceramic bionic guide structures for high-strength ingrowing of bone tissue
  • Localization of damage in fatigue loaded endless fiber reinforced polymers by acoustic emission
  • Fracture mechanics of all-oxide ceramic composites – development of reliable testing methods
  • Einfluss des Fasertyps auf die Prozess-Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen von langfaserverstärktem Polyamid 6
  • Thermoplastic Infusion and In-Situ Polymerisation of PA-6 and Acrylic Composites
  • Kontaktbedingungen der Grenzschichten ultraschallgeschweißter Verbindungen für rechnerische Auslegung von Bauteilen in der Finite
  • Fatigue behaviour of 3D-printed continuous flax fibre reinforced polylactide
  • Modelling of the manufacturing process of TRIP/TWIP steel laminates
  • Quality control of expired prepregs by Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy
  • FEM modeling of combined debonding and bulk crack propagation in a rubber-matrix composite
  • Experimental investigation of the size effect on the mechanical properties of bi-axially braided glass fibre-polyurethane composites under tensile, compressive, and flexural loading.
  • Studying the effect of the matrix response on micro-damage mechanisms in UD composites by FEM unit-cells
  • Real-time flow front monitoring in HP-RTM molds using phased array ultrasonic testing
  • Bauteil 4.0: Verfahrensentwicklung und Festigkeitsbewertung von Bauteilen in Sandwichbauweise mit integrierter Elektronik für die Luftfahrtanwendung
  • General effect of fibre misalignment in thick composites under compressive load and dependence of the environmental temperature
  • Untersuchung und Simulation des Stauchverhaltens furnierbasierter Holzverbundwerkstoffe unter Crashbelastung
  • Continuous analysis of production-related imperfections in thick-walled composite



  • Silica-based CMC-prepreg: Industrialization hurdles
  • Experimental Characterization of Fluid Influence on Transverse Compressibility Behaviour of Technical Textiles Through In-Situ-Impregnation Method
  • Identification of CFRP-containing materials in waste streams using a novel inductive heating process
  • A Microscale Experiment for Characterizing the Viscoelastic Fiber-Matrix-Interaction during Cure
  • Untersuchung kosteneffizienter geflochtener und gewickelter Verbundrohrleitungen für Wasserstoffanwendungen
  • Quantitative evaluation of void content in polymer matrix composites by means of X-ray computed tomography
  • Magnesium-based bullet-proofed Sandwich Systems - numerical & experimental Investigations
  • Investigation of the Interfacial Adhesion of Thermoset-Metal-Hybrids using Injection-Molded Single Lap Shear Specimens
  • Investigation and optimization of UV curable resins via TMOR for the production of low-shrinkage glass fiber composites
  • Composite wire for use in additive manufacturing and thermal spraying made from layered and jointly formed strips
  • Additiv gefertigte Betonfertigteilelemente mit faserbasierter Bewehrung
  • Advances in the development of polymer coated bioactive glass composite foams for regenerative medicine
  • Non-Impregnated Glass Fibres for Microfluidic Applications
  • Characterisiation of Unidirectional Minicomposites as an Efficient Tool for SiC/SiC-CMC Development
  • Novel Process for the Wet Filament Winding
  • Flexible injection solutions for large thermoplastic structural components
  • Development and applications of the composite material WC-ZrO2


  • Application of Hybrid Coatings for Tools and Componentns
  • Development of a method for evaluating the benefits of a digital twin in additive manufacturing
  • Investigation on aluminum-aluminum hybrid cast nodes from low pressure die casting
  • Poster Konstruktive Lösungen für Heißkanäle in Heißkanal-Zwischenplatten

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