The 5th international conference where international experts unite to discuss cracking phenomena associated with welding and additive manufacturing will take place in Swe...
The International Institute of Welding (IIW) approved at the General Assembly on Juli 7, 2024, two new members to the organization: Egypt and Namibia.
Anlässlich der 40-jährigen erfolgreichen deutsch-chinesischen Kooperation besuchte der neue Direktor des chinesischen Instituts WTI – Welding Training Institute Harbin di...
In den letzten Jahren hat sich viel getan, um Schweißfachkräfte vor den gesundheitsschädlichen Rauchgasen zu schützen. Was spricht also weiterhin dagegen, dass Absaugbren...
Die 77. IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference fand in diesem Jahr auf Rhodos statt. Die Veranstaltung brachte Experten aus aller Welt zusammen, um die neuesten E...
The "77th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference" brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments and innovations in welding tec...
For many years, the evaluation catalog ISO 5817 from the International Institute of Welding has been helping with the assessment of irregularities in welds. Now, the cata...
The IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference consists of many simultaneous meetings and events aimed at promoting and updating the scientific and technological n...
On Sunday, 19 November 2023, The Welding Institute celebrated the 100th anniversary the Institute of Welding Engineers with a riverboat cruise on the Thames, organised by...
The 77th International Institute of Welding (IIW) Annual Assembly and International Conference on Welding and Joining will take place from July 7 through 12 July 2024, in...
Der DVS ruft auch in diesem Jahr dazu auf, relevante Persönlichkeiten aus der Fügetechnik für die Awards des International Institute of Welding (IIW) vorzuschlagen. Die N...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Böllinghaus from the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) is the new President of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), th...
”Benvenuti a Milano!“ will be the motto for the ITSC - International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition in 2024. The capital of Lombardy and the second-largest city...
After two editions of the IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference held online and the limitations to attend the 2022 edition in Tokyo, the IIW community had fina...
Am 16. Juli bestätigte die IIW General Assembly die Wahl des neuen Präsidenten, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Böllinghaus. Er übernahm das Amt am 24. Juli 2023 von seinem Vorgäng...