Focusing on ECWRV
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Keitel has been chairman of the non-profit ECWRV since it was founded 15 years ago. At the turn of the year, he will step down as managing director of SLV Halle. Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Wagner has already been appointed as the new managing director on 01.07.2024. Prof. Keitel will continue to work as an authorized signatory at SLV Halle and will focus on rail vehicle construction, IT development and international activities.
As Chairman of the ECWRV – European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles – he is particularly interested in the further development of this now worldwide organization. This applies to voluntary activities as well as to contractual matters associated with the online register EN 15085. With more than 4.300 certified welding companies worldwide, 32 manufacturer certification bodies MCBs and more than 230 auditors, the expectations of the ECWRV have been more than fulfilled.
Implementing the EN 15085 standard on an equal footing through transparent dealings with all stakeholders remains one of the central tasks.

The need to further develop the processes in the organization is correspondingly great. This concerns the recognition of MCBs, the examination of auditors, the organisation of the exchange of experience, the adaptation to the current regulations and the central transfer of knowledge in the form of the JoinTrans conference, as an IIW event. Cooperation with the global players in rail transport is of central importance here. Ultimately, joining technology must be integrated into the quality and safety concept of every manufacturer and operator.
(Source: SLV Halle GmbH)