Welding automation has rapidly evolved from a luxury to an industry necessity, but how did we get here and why should manufacturers care now more than ever?
Shaver Industries has designed and developed "LZRTec", a retractable laser weld screen designed to provide protection against laser beams, sparks, heat, ultraviolet light...
German special steel producer Lech-Stahlwerke has granted the final acceptance certificate to Primetals Technologies for an innovative scrap torch-cutting machine. The sy...
Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc., announced that it has been awarded on TIME’s inaugural list of America’s Best Mid-Size Companies 2024.
Bollé Safety, a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) eyewear specialist, has been awarded the prestigious Red Dot Award for Product Design.
Process parameters have a significant effect on the emission rate: Wire speed, arc length and correction parameters significantly influence the level of generated harmful...
Welding generates a complex mixture of fume particles posing a health risk to welders. Health and safety regulations have become stricter, In addition, advanced research...
TÜV Rheinland has certified JUTEC’s new “HEAT PROTECTION compact” process. The safety check developed by JUTEC is a step-by-step process that helps safety officers in ind...
SERVISOUD, a EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES’ brand, designs, manufactures and provides equipment and supplies dedicated to welding, cutting and personal protection.
SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023 is in full swing. There are a lot of new impressions for visitors and interesting conversations with exhibitors. WELDPROF® Prof. Dr. Emil Schu...
Riconlas developed its new and innovative 360° rotating TIG-ER TIG torch types WP9/17/26. The company invites trade fair visitors to experience the flexibility of their n...
At SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, Yaskawa will demonstrate today’s easy setup and operation of robots. Welding robots of the Motoman AR and SP series excel in demanding tasks in...
3M is showcasing their new personal safety and abrasive solutions at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2023, Booth 1B25, Hall 1. For companies looking for new levels of productivity...
The vast majority of welding procedures produce fumes, which pose a health risk. However, there is no such thing as a sample workplace with sample protective measures. Th...
Hazardous gases and particles are generated during welding. These substances can cause chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. To protect the hea...
Dacar specializes in the protection of the welder and his surroundings. Dacar, as a PPE manufacturer, will present on its booth a full range of protective equipment for t...
Die kommenden Runde des KUKA Innovation Award steht im Zeichen von einfacher Bedienung und maximaler Flexibilität. Zum ersten Mal wird der mit 20.000 € dotierte Robotik-W...
Nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Destatis) wurden nach vorläufigen Ergebnissen Waren im Wert von 245,4 Milliarden Euro zwischen den beiden Staaten gehandelt.
Tobias Meißner ist neuer Vertriebsbereichsleiter für Deutschland bei der C. & E. Fein GmbH. Bereits seit neun Jahren ist er bei FEIN beschäftigt und war zuletzt Leiter de...
Beim Neubau der Carrington Bridgein Worcester, England, wurde statt des geplanten wetterfesten Stahls der Güte S355 den Markenstahl DIWETEN 460+M von Dillinger eingesetzt...
Die SCANLAB GmbH liefert die Kernkomponente für ein neues Maschinenkonzept für das Laserstrahlbohren im Mikrometerbereich der stoba Customized Machinery.
Mit Ausgabedatum April 2021 ist das Merkblatt DVS 2321 „Thermisches Spritzen mit Suspensionen“ in überarbeiteter Fassung erschienen.